Sunday, March 22, 2015

Now What?

Now that I have finished my dissertation, I am sitting around bored. I always knew I was putting in a lot of time researching and writing; now I'm putting in no time and it feels weird. My therapist says I should take some down time to do nothing and just take care of myself. My friends have suggested that I relax but that's a word around which I can't seem to wrap my brain.

Relax. What does that mean exactly. I'm sure it means something different to each individual person. What does it mean to you? What do you do to relax? I mean, is watching TV considered relaxing? Is it getting a massage or taking a stroll? Does relaxing mean that you are doing nothing at all? I'm seriously asking you, my readers, to help me figure this out. 

I have watched TV and played every game on my iPad. I honestly find myself looking at my laptop wanting to do some work. Lol. At the same time, I know I need to learn how to relax and take care of myself. I have two more books on the horizon but I am deliberately trying not to work on them until I master this relaxation thing.

I kep saying I'm going to start working out because I know physical fitness is important. I bought some golf clubs and signed up for golf lessons because my boyfriend, Joe, loves to play. So, since I want to spend more time with him, I decided to learn to play golf. Of course, I can now spend more time riding my horse, Hershey; that is always enjoyable. I'll also have more time for my granddaughter, Zayda and that always fills my heart with joy. She keeps me busy though so that's not really relaxing. Lol.

I feel like I have to stop my brain and my body to be relaxed. Maybe that's the wrong way to look at it. I know I can't meditate because I can't get my brain to quiet. As much as I try to relax when I'm getting a massage, I find that difficult too. Beyond riding my horse and playing golf, I can't think of anything else to do to relax. So, help me out, readers. Tell me what you do to relax!

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